Sunday, May 27, 2012

It has been a while

Well, it has been awhile since I have posted. I can't believe how long though!
So I only have three half days left in school. I am excited, but they are filled with finals. Wen, I don't have to take either of the finals. That makes me happy.
I have a boyfriend and just to clear things up, I don't know how much longer we are going to last. It doesn't surprise me. I will stay with him as long as he wants me to. I am happy to be with him, I can't help but smile when I am around him!

The people I am living with, well I have been avoiding them lately just to cool off. I haven't really been in a good mood lately, and I somewhat know why. I am not completely positive. I now have a job, which is awesome, I am working at a store called H.E.B.

Everything is
Actually it is Howard E. Butt.
His wife is the founder of the company the early 1900's. I go for training on Tuesday at 2pm, after school(half days remember)

JROTC is going well. I wanted to go to summer camp but I can't anymore, and I only have it for half a year next year as well. I am going to talk to my mom and dad about taking the course that is holding my back online. The only problem is that I would have to dip into my savings and pay 155 for the course! That is  a lot and it would be the same if I took it as a summer school class. I want to take it so that I will have a full year of JROTC, but I don't know if it is worth the money. I guess I will just have to wait again for the Nook and buy the class. It would be in the summer online as I mentioned and when i needed to take the final, I would have to get with the school to take it. I don't really want to take it again, but I might as well. The class is communications Applications. See I would have taken it this year, had I known in the beginning that I had to take it. See when I first moved to Texas, I had to set up my schedule for school. We picked all the classes that I needed and I asked, was there anything else that I needed, they said no, and then half way through the year, "Oh, by the way. Next year you will have to take Communication Applications."

Sorry, I got to ranting.. I have been doing that a lot lately as well and I don;t know why.

Well I will say goodbye for now.

Stay real, Stay true

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